MGW adopts anti-harassment and anti-discrimination training policy

At an April 4, 2022, quarterly membership meeting, Media Guild of the West members adopted the following resolution 100% to 0%.

Whereas, a core mission of The NewsGuild-CWA is to fight discrimination and harassment of all kinds;

Be it resolved: Officers of Media Guild of the West, as a condition of leadership, shall take anti-discrimination and anti-harassment training administered by The NewsGuild-CWA in the first three months of each term in office;

Stewards of Media Guild of the West shall be provided the opportunity to take the anti-discrimination and anti-harassment trainings administered by The NewsGuild-CWA;

Paid staff of Media Guild of the West, as a condition of employment, shall take anti-discrimination and anti-harassment training as offered by the Local or as otherwise required by law.


MGW members support ethics standard for publicly funded journalism


MGW members will discuss the case for publicly funded journalism